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Emily Dumler-Winckler publishes in Religions

Emily Dumler-Winckler published “Protestant Political Theology and Pluralism: From a Politics of Refusal to Tending and Organizing for Common Goods” in the journal Religions in September 2019.

Matt Elia publishes in Interpretation

FPE board member Matt Elia published “Slave Christologies: Augustine and the Enduring Trouble with the ‘Form of a Slave’ (Phil 2:5–7)” in Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology in January of 2021.

Isaac Kim publishes in Political Theology

Former FPE Board Member Isaac Kim published “The Limits of Bonhoefferian Responsibility: On Jean Bethke Elshtain’s (Mis)Use of Bonhoeffer” in the Political Theology in January 2019.

Justin Nickel publishes The Work of Faith

Justin Nickel published his first book, The Work of Faith: Divine Grace and Human Agency in Martin Luther’s Preaching, with Fortress Academic Press in August 2020.

Sara Williams publishes in Ecclesial Practices

FPE Vice President Sara Williams published “The Way of the Cross in the Ordinary: Ethnographic Attention to the Good as Invitational Ethics” in Ecclesial Practices in June of 2021.